Sunday, April 22, 2007

There is more than porn in Indiana

So here is the deal. Maybe you hadn't heard, but there is this fantastic thing called the Internet that exists to provide all of its users with information about anything; and with porn. Lots and lots of porn. However, the Internet is huge. I'm not talking like a 'yo momma' joke huge, but more like 'a mini universe in the fingernail of another giant being' huge; and it has more information floating around in it than anyone could ever hope to absorb, but here is the kicker: most of it isn't porn. There is actually some interesting, and occasionally useful stuff out there. Yea, I know! Who knew?

"But how is this possible?" you're likely asking yourself right now. Well let me tell you how the Internet works. You see, there is this series of tubes...

Want to know how to cut an onion up and not cry? Want to know how to make Microsoft Word just a wee bit less annoying? Want to know how to go to MIT for free? All of these answers can be found on the Internet (and incidentally are coming soon to this site).

To make things a little easier, we're going to do the work for you by filtering out the porn (and maybe keeping some for ourselves on occasion). Every so often we'll bring you a link to a news story, scientific paper, op/ed, time wasting game, tech tip, or do-it-yourself project that anyone with even a little innate curiosity will find interesting and maybe even benefit from. All you have to do is be at your desk on time and not tell us whose best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night.