#51: Get rich. (1) Collect vinegar. (2) ??? (3) Profit.
Some highlights of the more useful items on the list.
13. Soothe a bee or jellyfish sting. Dot the irritation with vinegar and relieve itching.
14. Relieve sunburn. Lightly rub white vinegar; you may have to reapply.
21. Deodorize the kitchen drain. Pour a cup down the drain once a week. Let stand 30 minutes and then flush with cold water.
33. Clean stainless steel. Wipe with a vinegar dampened cloth.
36. Clean the microwave. Boil a solution of 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water in the microwave. Will loosen splattered on food and deodorize.
38. Get rid of cooking smells. Let simmer a small pot of vinegar and water solution.
41. Get rid of lint in clothes. Add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle.
47. Get smoke smell out of clothes. Add a cup of vinegar to a bath tub of hot water. Hang clothes above the steam.
50 uses for vinegar. [Weird Facts]