If you're American when you go into the bathroom, and you're American when you come out of the bathroom...
Over at the Fox network it is apparently a great achievement to be smarter than a fifth grader. We at TIBTP feel that the goal should be a wee bit higher. Despite the war raging there for the better part of this century, 2/3 Americans and 3/4 Americans under the age of 24 can't find Iraq on a map - and they couldn't find countries less headline-centric if you showed them a picture of the United States and a picture of Suriname and told them to point out which one wasn't the United States (incidentally, the tiny country in northern South America is not the United States).
These tests, or "games" depending on how big of a geek you are, are quite good and cover everything from the nations of South America to the US states to the provinces of Canada. The tests are broken up into levels 1 (beginner) to 9 (cartographer).
The mid-level tests involving Europe, the US, and South America aren't too difficult, but we have to admit that Africa and Asia gave us more trouble than we would have thought. That said, after a couple of tries our knowledge of exactly how Azerbaijan fit into the jigsaw puzzle that is the "stans" of Eastern Asia increased dramatically.
Yes, you will use this information later in life. It's on the boating safety course exam.
If you can knock out a few tests on the highest levels, then consider yourself ahead of damn near 99% of Americans. Actually, lets be honest here, putting all 50 states in their correct locations inside of the United States will put you ahead of 99% of Americans.Geography games: world maps. [Sheppard software]