Tuesday, July 10, 2007

If you need the list of the 1,473,528 that do, you obviously haven't spent enough time on the Internet.

There are some great places to further one's education with regards to technology, and in the age of the internet the blog isn't a bad place to start...assuming you can find one that is reliable and worthy of your time; here are a few tech blogs that qualify (you may have already come across some of them here).

  1. Gizmodo
  2. Nanocr.eu
  3. Techcrunch
  4. A VC
  5. PMarca
  6. Simpy Blog
  7. Glenn Wolsey
  8. Dan Blank
  9. Doc Searls
  10. Sci-Tech Today
  11. Lifehacker
  12. Newsome
  13. Paul Stamatiou
  14. ValleyWag
  15. Kottke
69 tech blogs that don't suck. [micahville.com]