Bite my shinny, metal microbrewery.
Good news, everyone! Here is a story about building my very own Bender. This, as everyone should know, is the foul mouthed, cigar smoking, booze drinking, shiny metal arsed, bending robot from the program Futurama. More information can be found in the Wikipedia Futurama entry.
Of course just having a Bender that doesn't do anything would be a waste of time so mine shall be used for a practical purpose. One Bender himself would be proud of. I'll use him to make beer! This was actually done in the show in the episode "The Route of all Evil". The idea was suggested to me by my drinking buddy Dave. I didn't remember this until he provided the proof (typos and all):
[3/30/2007 9:21:20 AM] Simon Jansen says: Everytime I watch Futurama I want to build a bender.
[3/30/2007 9:24:14 AM] David Moore says: do you remember the episode where they brew beer inside Bender?
[3/30/2007 9:24:26 AM] David Moore says: you should build that.... a Bender brewer
[3/30/2007 9:24:28 AM] Simon Jansen says: Vaguely.\
[3/30/2007 9:24:37 AM] David Moore says: he gets all maternal
[3/30/2007 9:24:42 AM] Simon Jansen says: I could buil done out of real steel.
[3/30/2007 9:26:49 AM] David Moore says: season3 episode12: The Route of All Evil
[3/30/2007 9:26:56 AM] David Moore says: title refers to money, not beer
[3/30/2007 9:27:27 AM] Simon Jansen says: How about a Bender beer fridge? Get one of those mini fridges and build that into him?
[3/30/2007 9:28:00 AM] David Moore says: no a brewer
So, credit where credit is due!

The latest entry is from August 5, 2007 - Check back for progress reports.
Building Beer, Brewing Bender. []