Shit. What? Rollers. No. Yeah. Shit.
It's smart. It's convenient. It's fair. And it's designed to eliminate parking tickets. So basically it runs contradictory to everything city governments were built on.
I understand that parking meters are necessary. What I don't understand is why cities insist on using antiquated systems. Or why the whole thing has to be so damn adversarial. (If you've ever stood, quarters in hand, pleading with a smirking meter maid writing a $30 ticket, your meter expired for just 2 minutes, while she shakes her head and tells you it's too late, gimme an Amen.)
Photo Violation Technologies, a company out of Vancouver, BC has developed a new, technologically advanced meter called the PhotoViolationMeter, that not only makes paying for parking easier, it makes getting a ticket as outdated as David Hasselhoff's hair. A thanks-for-joining-us-in-the-21st-century feature included in the PVM allows you to feed the meter with your credit or debit card, or your cell phone. Finally. No more searching for change. Or asking a pan handler if he can break a twenty.
But that's not why I'm spending all this time rhapsodizing about a parking meter. The real reasons to storm the Mayor's office are the options PVM gives you to make sure you never get a parking ticket again. Yup. Never again.

The greatest parking meter your city will never install. [The Bachelor Guy]